Foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (USA), Head of the Financial Strategy Department at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Head of the Department of strategic studies at the Institute of mathematical studies of complex systems at the Lomonosov MSU, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education. Academic advisor of the Department of North-West Institute of Management, branch of RANEPA. Chief Researcher at the Central Economic Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Author of many academic papers in the USA, Albania, Great Britain, Slovenia, including books “Strategy for the Global Market”, “The Global Emerging Market: Strategic Management and Economics” and others. Number of works is translated into Russian. Doctor Honoris Causa of a number of Russian and foreign universities. Member of the Bretton Woods Committee (Washington), of the World Academy of Art and Science. Member of the Editorial Boards of the “Economics and Mathematic Methods” magazine, international magazine “The International Journal of Emerging Markets” and others. Chief Editor of the journal “Economy in the industry”. Was awarded the Order of Friendship, the Order of Honor, Certificate of Appreciation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia, golden medal of N.Kondratyev and scientific awards in Russia, Albania, Belgium, Hungary, Great Britain, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Slovenia, the USA and Ukraine.