President of St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sc. (Cultural Studies), Professor, Scientist Emeritus of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Board of Rectors. Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Congress of St. Petersburg Intelligentsia. Author of more than 2,400 published works. Member of editorial boards of the following magazines: “Philosophy and Culture”, “Issues of Cultural Studies”, “Literary Studies”, “Philosophical Thought”, “Partnership of Civilizations”, “Philology: Scientific Research”, “Pedagogy and Enlightenment”, “Search: Politics. Social Science. Arts. Sociology. Culture”, “LITERA”, “Contemporary Education”, “Simurg” (Azerbaijan). He was awarded the Order of Friendship, “For Life Saving” medal, “In Memory of the 300th Anniversary of St. Petersburg” medal, K.D. Ushinsky medal, Gold medal of the Russian Academy of Education. He was awarded the Diploma of Merit by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, SIMURG medal by the Azerbaijan Association of Culture and Academician Sapargaliev medal (Kazakhstan). Russian Federation Government’s Prize winner (2007) and St. Petersburg Government’s Prize winner (2010, 2016) in education, Gorky Literary Prize winner (2007), RAS G.V. Plekhanov Prize winner (2015). Doctor Emeritus of universities of the USA, Ireland, Ukraine and Poland. Academician of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Paris), European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salsburg).