Professor of the Department of Political Economy of the University of National and World Economy (Sofia), corresponding member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy. Principal Secretary of the Bulgarian Philosophical Society (1978–1989), Director of the Institute of Philosophical Sciences (1988–1992) and the Institute of Philosophical Research of the BAS (1995–2010). Author of more than 500 scientific publications, including 21 monographs: «Добро и дължимо», “Cognition and values”, “Biosocial values”, “Bioethics”, “Civil society and global capitalism”, “Violence in the modern era”, “The future of philosophy”, “Sociology of philosophy”, “The theory of Bulgarian transition”; articles: «Перспективи на левицата в идващия постнеолиберален свят», «Служебно правителство в света “пред бездна”», «Несуверенна демокрация и политическо еничарство», «В ЕС витае призракът на еврокатастройката» and others. Member of the editorial boards of a number of scientific journals.