Former advisor of the Special Envoy of France in Russia, political analyst and consultant for the Analysis Center “Conflits” (Paris) and SongYun Forum (Shanghai), Dr. Sc. (History), Dr. Sc. (Political Sciences) from Sorbonne University (Paris). Author of 28 publications on geopolitics, history, international relations and color revolutions, including: “The Mythical Carnation Revolution in Portugal (1974–1976): How to Turn Colonizers into Colonized within Two Years”, “The Flavor of Color Revolutions” (co-authored), “Kaliningrad: The Prussian Epicenter of Tension in the Baltic Region?”, “Russia and its Far-Western Mirror: the Geopolitical Identity of Russia through the Lens of Kaliningrad Oblast’”, and others. Winner of several awards from the Herder-Institut in Marburg (Germany).